It's all about selling digital products, known as info products. Having said that, what is an info product?
Below are the keys to understanding info-products (their advantages, the types of info products that can be created as well as some examples.
An info product, as the name suggests, is a training product distributed over the Internet and based on the experience of a professional. Its goal is to solve a problem or meet a customer's needs with quality content. Infoproducts are booming in digital entrepreneurship for the following reasons:
Their ability to generate passive income. The ability to send them automatically, using email marketing, which facilitates their distribution. Their coverage of an endless array of different training niches that had no place in traditional training until then;
Infoproducts are a tremendous opportunity for the knowledge-selling market. The demand for education is increasing at a rate of 17% and in Europe while only 2% of the market is digitized. This means that there is still a great deal of work to be done.
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